One in 62 chance!!
A strange thing happened last night. Andrew and I were folding up our annuals yearly invoices and putting them in envelopes. We had 4 piles of 62 pages in each.,1 for invoices,1 for policies, 1 for lease contracts and 1 for a general hello letter.
We have 62 annuals at the park. Anyway we going at a cracking pace, (probably because I realised i was folding faster than Andrew and told him so which prompted him to up the ante.I can't even fold invoices without turning it into a competition!!) and we finished in record time.
When we had finished we had 3 piles that still had one sheet on each. (No invoice) So we had picked up two customers invoices together and put them in an envelope. Not good!!
Boring story you may think but heres where it gets weird. Andrew picked up an envelope, opened it and the missing invoice was behind it. Out of 62 envelopes.Unbelievable!!!
So then we played the - your so psychic game all night....When we hopped into bed Andrew brought the crossword with him and turned OFF the light. So then I thought perhaps he had developed Superhuman powers and could read at night. He tried it just in case, but no; his superness had left the building!!
LOL, fancy being left with ClarkKentness once the lights go out. Sheesh. :-)
With that many letters to fold, even I might have turned it into a competition. Except, once I start competing my body panics and ignores my brain and... I'm better off not competing. I think I know why tortoises have tough shells... :-)
I know I was getting a little excited!!
Take Care
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